
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)

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National & World Record Testing Process

Congratulations on your World and/or National record attempt. In order to ratify your record with a drug test, please read through the information below. Please note, not all National or World records require a drug test to be completed in order to ratify it. To determine if a drug test is required, please contact your International or National Federation to confirm.

Advanced Notice (1-7 days)

Athletes (U.S. or international) attempting to break a record should contact USADA during business hours at 719-785-2000. Our business hours are Monday-Friday 8am-5pm Mountain Time.

Weekend Hours

If a record is broken outside of business hours, please contact the USADA Record Hotline Number at (719) 318-8181. We prefer you call the number, but you can also text us the information to speed up the process. If there is no answer, please leave a detailed message and someone will contact you as soon as possible. 

Information Needed

Prior to calling USADA, please have the following information available to help expedite our ability to secure a Doping Control Officer (DCO) to collect a sample for the record attempt.

  • Name of Athlete
  • Sport
  • What type of record? (American, World, or a Federations National)
  • The location (including city & state) and name of the event
  • What time they are competing or time they broke the record (including time zone)
  • Athlete, agent, or coach’s phone number (primary point of contact)

Once USADA receives all the necessary information, we will work to find a DCO to be on-call, onsite, or available to test the athlete when needed. Once a DCO is secured, USADA will ensure that the athlete or the athlete’s point of contact and the DCO have each other’s contact information. The DCO will then coordinate testing directly with the athlete or the athlete’s point of contact.

**USADA cannot guarantee the athlete will get tested in order to ratify their record. The more advance notice USADA receives, the greater chance we will be able to secure a DCO.

International Athletes

International athletes are responsible for the costs associated with a drug test to ratify a National or World record. Some National Federations will cover all associated costs for the drug test, and we encourage you to contact your National Federation to confirm and gather billing information. USADA will provide a breakdown of the costs associated with the drug test upon request for the attempt. All billing information must be provided to the DCO before moving forward with the sample collection process.

Read more about the Sample Collection Process.