
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)

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TUE Renewals

Is your TUE nearing its expiration date or has already expired? Read below for information on how to renew your TUE.
Please note: any TUE application submitted to USADA without medical documentation will be returned to the athlete and will not be processed.

Please be advised: Due to the holiday season, there may be delays in processing and response times for inquiries. We greatly appreciate your patience.

Step 1 - Complete a new TUE application.

Look for an email from USADA or check the expiration date on your TUE Certificate. Approximately sixty (60) days prior to expiration, you should review the TUE Approval letter conditions and schedule an appointment with your treating medical provider to go over what medical information needs to be submitted to USADA along with a new TUE Application that the provider will need to certify and sign. Download the appropriate TUE Application here.

Step 2 - Provide Medical Notes.

Provide all relevant medical notes from the date of your previous TUE approval to present. In most circumstances, USADA will retain all previously submitted medical notes, therefore re-submission all of the medical documentation that was previously provided with your previous TUE submission(s) is unnecessary.

-The medical notes should provide a clear and concise update of ongoing medical care and prescribed treatment in the time interval from the last TUE approval.

-Updated information from the treating physician detailing the ongoing need for the prohibited substance or method through differential diagnosis, detailed treatment plan, and any requests for further monitoring.

-If there has been a change in the dose and/or frequency of the medication or treatment, clinical notes discussing the change should be provided.

-Any complications or adverse health effects, including those which impact sport participation, should also be provided in detail.

Step 3 - Review previous approval TUE certificate.

Please review your previous TUE approval and approval cover letter to see if there were any special conditions of your TUE approval or any recommendations made by the TUE Committee regarding the renewal of your TUE. To ensure as complete an application as possible, please provide any information suggested by the TUE Committee.

Step 4 - Review application.

Review your TUE application to ensure it is complete and accurate before submitting it to USADA.

Step 5 - Submit completed application.

Submit your completed application to USADA by email to tue@usada.org or by fax to 719-785-2029. For those sports with a sport specific international federation TUE, you may submit the application to USADA and we will handle getting the information to your international federation.