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Paris 2024
Anti-Doping Information

This webpage was created to ensure every athlete and athlete support person understands the anti-doping rules specific to the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games. With this information, USADA hopes that Team USA athletes and athlete support persons can act as informed advocates for clean sport in the global setting. Please continue reading for the most up-to-date Paris Games information.


  • For the Games, all Team USA athletes will need to provide complete Whereabouts that include:
    1. Building and room number in the Athlete Village (if staying in the village)
    2. Training locations/schedule at the Games
    3. Detailed accommodation information (if not staying in the village)
    4. Travel days when traveling to/from France
  • Athletes should update their Whereabouts before they leave, during the Games, and when/if their schedule changes. The athlete is ultimately responsible for maintaining accurate and up-to-date Whereabouts information.

Athletes, are you going to the Paris Games? Don’t let Chaos distract you from your anti-doping responsibilities! To #AvoidChaos, add your athlete village room number to your Whereabouts as soon as possible when you arrive in Paris.

Testing During the Games

  • Anti-doping testing authority has been delegated by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to the International Testing Agency (ITA) for the Olympic Games. The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) will have anti-doping testing authority for the Paralympic Games.
  • For the Olympics: Between April 18, 2024 – July 17, 2024, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), or the International Testing Agency (ITA) on its behalf, can begin pre-Games testing of athletes. This means, in addition to USADA’s standard testing protocol, an athlete can be tested by USADA on behalf of the ITA, in the United States, during this time.
  • Trained Doping Control Officers (DCOs) collect samples during the Games in accordance with World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) International Standards. All urine, blood, and Dried Blood Spot (DBS) samples are analyzed at the WADA-accredited laboratory in Paris. Throughout the doping control process, an athlete has the right to an interpreter, as well as a representative. USADA strongly encourages all athletes to have a representative, such as a coach, team representative, or doctor, during the doping control process. If an athlete has questions or concerns during doping control, they should ask the DCO to explain. Should they not get a sufficient answer, the DCO Control Station Manager should be contacted.
  • Be aware of your rights and responsibilities as an athlete.
  • In-competition testing is testing in the period commencing at 11:59 p.m. on the day before a competition in which the athlete is scheduled to participate, through the end of the competition or the sample collection process related to the competition. Any test that does not happen during the in-competition window is considered an out-of-competition test.

Don’t let Chaos ruin your Olympic dreams! For the Olympic Games, only ONE athlete from a team needs to test positive or commit an anti-doping rule violation for the entire team to be subject to loss of medals or results. If you suspect anyone of using prohibited substances or violating anti-doping rules, report your concerns to the Play Clean Tip Center.

Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs)

  • Prior to being prescribed and/or purchasing medications in the United States, please check them at GlobalDRO.com to determine the prohibited status. If an athlete needs a TUE for the use of a prohibited treatment, please go to the USADA TUE Application and follow the five step process. If an athlete needs to purchase medication while in France, please work with the USOPC Medical Team to determine if the medication is permitted before use and/or any Games TUE requirements.
  • Be aware of specific rules on volume limits for injections/infusions, as well as specific Games rules on the banning of hypoxic tents/devices from the Athletes’ Village and a no-needles policy during the Games.
  • In a situation where the use of a needle is necessary, both Olympic and Paralympic athletes will want to connect with the USOPC Medical staff, which they can reach through their Team Leader. It is likely that the medical team will keep and administer injectable medications during the period of the Games.
  • Existing TUEs approved by USADA or an International Federation before the period of the Games must be recognized by the ITA for the Olympics and the IPC for the Paralympics to be valid. Contact the ITA at tue@ita.sport or visit sport/TUE with questions. Contact the IPC at tue@paralympic.org or visit paralympic.org/antidoping-tue with questions. If an existing TUE is set to expire during the period of the Games, please submit a TUE renewal application to USADA as soon as possible, but no later than July 10, 2024. 
  • Olympians should submit new TUEs for chronic medical conditions to USADA as soon as possible, but no later than July 10, 2024, via the USADA TUE Application. TUEs submitted after July 10 may be expedited but USADA cannot guarantee a decision will be finalized prior to the beginning of the Games. Beginning July 18, all athletes participating in the Olympic Games should apply first to the ITA’s TUE office located in the polyclinic of the Olympic Village (booking an appointment is advised). If an athlete submits a TUE directly to the ITA, USADA encourages athletes to copy USADA at tue@USADA.org. For more information on Olympic TUEs in Paris, please visit ita.sport/tue-paris-2024/.
  • Paralympians may file new TUEs with USADA until July 1, 2024 at tue@USADA.org . Beginning July 2 TUEs must be submitted to the IPC (tue@paralympic.org). If an athlete submits directly to the IPC, USADA encourages athletes to copy USADA at tue@USADA.org. For more information on Paralympic TUEs, please visit paralympic.org/anti-doping-tue.

Athletes who might compete at the 2024 Olympic or Paralympic Games can avoid anti-doping Chaos by understanding Games-specific rules and responsibilities. With TUEs, for example, it’s important to know the deadlines for submitting TUE Applications to USADA prior to the Games.

Athletes, when you’re in Paris for the 2024 Games, stay alert for anti-doping Chaos! If you need to purchase medicine in France, be sure to check with the USOPC Sports Medicine team BEFORE use to make sure the product is permitted under anti-doping rules. For medications purchased in the U.S., you can also check GlobalDRO.com.

Food and Beverages

The Paris 2024 organizing committee has set out to establish a more sustainable Olympic and Paralympic Games. For this reason, the doping control station is planning to have cardboard water bottles. Cardboard water bottles may be different than what athletes are used too but are allowed in doping control. Athletes are always encouraged to bring their own refillable water bottles.

USADA urges all athletes to be aware of their surroundings while in France for the Paris Games. Remember, athletes are held to strict liability, meaning they are ultimately responsible for anything that goes in or on their body (e.g., via eyes, ears, nose, mouth, skin). While in France, athletes should not leave their personal items unattended, including food and beverages. For athlete protection, they are encouraged to consume beverages that have been sealed, or if utilizing a refillable water bottle, ensure the water source is secure. In addition, athletes should only consume properly packaged food, avoid exotic or unusual products, request documentation demonstrating food safety and quality standards when necessary, and avoid ingesting anything from someone they do not know.

Paris 2024 Games eLearning Course

For athletes, coaches, and support staff attending the 2024 Paris Games, USADA is offering a FREE e-learning course that provides additional anti-doping information. This optional course does not meet the requirements for USOPC Games education compliance.

If you are interested in taking the course and do not have already have a coupon code from USADA, please email education@USADA.org with both your role and sport, and we will send you a code for FREE course access.

Click the image above to view the how-to guide for accessing the eLearning course.

In Paris with questions?

International Olympic Committee (IOC) Anti-Doping Rules (Rules)

International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Anti-Doping Code (IPC Code)

Contact your Team USA Leader

Call USADA 24/7 during the period of the Games at (719) 785-2000

Text* USADA 24/7 via WhatsApp and SMS at (719) 785-2000

*Texts to USADA are only available during the period of the Olympic and Paralympic Games