
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)

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a track athlete running past quickly with a batonThe United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) announced today that Jerome Young of Raleigh, NC, a former athlete in the sport of Track & Field, accepted additional sanctions after admitting to use of prohibited substances, including Erythropoietin (EPO) and Human Growth Hormone (hGH), dating back to 1999.

Young is disqualified from all competitive results obtained on or subsequent to January 1, 1999, including forfeiture of all medals, results, points, and prizes. In addition to accepting these sanctions, Young has voluntarily agreed to return the medal received at the 2003 World Championships in Paris Saint-Denis in the 400m. Young previously lost his Gold medal from the 4x400m relay at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, resulting from his first doping offense.

Young, now 31, is already serving the maximum of a lifetime period of ineligibility, as of November 3, 2004, which was the result of a second doping offense committed in 2004. Under International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) rules and the USADA Protocol for Olympic Movement Testing, which incorporate the World Anti-Doping Code, the sanction for a second doping offense is a lifetime suspension.

USADA is responsible for the testing and results management process for athletes in the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement. USADA is equally dedicated to preserving the integrity of sport through research initiatives and educational programs.

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