
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)

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close up of bicycle chainUSADA announced today that Katerina Brim, of Lowell, Michigan, an athlete in the sport of Paralympic cycling, has accepted a one-year period of ineligibility for an anti-doping rule violation after her retroactive Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) was denied by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

“This is yet another case that demonstrates the need for a more fair and just global anti-doping system,” said USADA CEO Travis T. Tygart. “The rules are supposed to catch and punish athletes who intentionally seek an advantage over their competitor, not honest athletes who require treatment for lifelong medical conditions. Following consultation with independent medical experts, Brim was granted a retroactive TUE in alignment with the rules based on the equities and exceptional circumstances of her case, and it’s extremely disappointing to see that the TUE was overturned.”

Brim, 24, truthfully declared the use of Humalog (Insulin Lispro) administered via injection during an out-of-competition test on October 19, 2022, which the WADA-accredited laboratory reported as negative. Insulin is a Non-Specified Substance in the class of Hormone and Metabolic Modulators and is prohibited at all times under the USADA Protocol for Olympic and Paralympic Movement Testing, the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee National Anti-Doping Policies, and the International Cycling Union Anti-Doping Rules, all of which have adopted the World Anti-Doping Code and the WADA Prohibited List.

At the time of her test, Brim had only been in the USADA Registered Testing Pool (RTP) for 19 days and had not applied for or obtained a TUE, which is required to authorize the use of a prohibited substance in sport. After an investigation, USADA determined that Brim was using insulin in a therapeutic dose under the care of a physician to treat diabetes, a lifelong condition. She applied for and was granted a retroactive TUE consistent with the recommendation of independent medical experts on USADA’s TUE Committee with an effective date of October 19, 2022, the date of her first test by USADA as an RTP athlete. However, WADA twice rejected the bases upon which USADA granted the retroactive TUE, meaning Brim did not have a valid TUE in effect on the date of sample collection. As such, USADA was obligated under the rules to impose a sanction with at least a one-year period of ineligibility.

WADA seeks input on each year’s updated version of the Prohibited List. USADA has advocated and will continue to advocate to WADA, the rule maker, to change the rules around insulin to ensure that athletes with diabetes are able to treat this lifelong condition without the undue burden of maintaining a TUE and being subjected to disproportionate sanctions for failing to do so.

Brim’s one-year period of ineligibility is the minimum allowed under the rules and began on October 19, 2022, the date she declared the use of insulin. In addition, Brim has been disqualified from all competitive results obtained on and subsequent to October 19, 2022, including forfeiture of any medals, points and prizes.

In an effort to aid athletes, as well as support team members such as parents and coaches, in understanding the rules applicable to them, USADA provides comprehensive instruction on its website on the testing process and prohibited substances, how to file and update athlete Whereabouts, how to obtain permission to use a necessary medication, and the risks and dangers of taking supplements, as well as performance-enhancing and recreational drugs.

In addition, USADA manages a drug reference hotline, Global Drug Reference Online (GlobalDRO.com), conducts educational sessions with National Governing Bodies and their athletes, and distributes a multitude of educational materials, such as a supplement guide, a nutrition guide, a clean sport handbook, and periodic alerts and advisories.

USADA makes available a number of ways to report the abuse of performance-enhancing drugs in sport in an effort to protect clean athletes and promote clean competition. Any tip can be reported using the USADA Play Clean Tip Center, by text at 87232 (“USADA”), by email at playclean@USADA.org, by phone at 1-877-Play Clean (1-877-752-9253) or by mail.

USADA is responsible for the testing and results management process for athletes in the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement and is equally dedicated to preserving the integrity of sport through research initiatives and educational programs.

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