
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)

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Category: Athlete Education

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Three Things to Expect From USADA DCOs

DCOs play a critical role in USADA’s effort to preserve the integrity of clean sport, but just as importantly, they help define the athlete experience in regards to anti-doping. As such, USADA DCOs are held to a particularly high standard, meaning athletes can expect the following qualities and behaviors.

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What are non-analytical ADRV with white magnifying glass on blue background

What are Non-Analytical Anti-Doping Rule Violations?

Unlike an adverse analytical finding, a non-analytical anti-doping rule violation (ADRV) does not stem from a positive urine or blood sample, but instead originates from, and is substantiated by, other evidence of doping or violations by an athlete or athlete support personnel. For example, a non-analytical ADRV may stem from an investigation into a tip to a confidential hotline.

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